What are Automations in Zendesk?

Describe the Automation:
Automations are the same as we discussed triggers. Both are used to change the ticket properties, notify users and change the properties. The difference is that automations execute when a timed event occurs after a ticket property was set or updated instead of immediate ticket creation or update.For time-bound actions on tickets, automations are used.

How to create Automations:
Navigate to the following path:
Admin Center > Objects and rules > Business rules > Automations
1. Press the Add automation button.
2. Give the Automation title, and add the Conditions in both types (ALL and ANY).
3. You can preview the above conditions by pressing the button Preview match for the conditions above.

4. Add the Actions to automation based on conditions.
5. And press the Create automation button.

Here the automation is created and ready to work.
For further queries regarding automations please leave a comment below.

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