User’s Authentication in Zendesk

What is user authentication?
User authentication is a phenomenon or process that checks the user’s authenticity before accessing the account. In this process, a user is given a questionnaire to answer some questions, or some information is gathered to check whether the present user is real or not. In short, we can say that it is a privacy step for users to secure their accounts.
Users authentication is of two types. Let us see them.

Types of user’s authentication:
The followings are two types of users authentication:
1. Team member authentication
2. End user authentication
Let us see them one by one:

1. Team member authentication:
In this type of authentication, accounts of team members (agents, admins, and light agents) of a company are kept secure by defining the conditions while logging into their accounts so that no other illegal users can access their accounts.

To dig up this type in detail click here.

2. End user authentication:
In this type of authentication, accounts of end-users (users who do not concern with the background working of the website) are kept secure by defining the conditions while logging into their accounts so that no other illegal users can access their accounts.

To dig up this type in more detail click here.
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